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główna The production company NULKA has been operating successfully on the market since 1988. We produce pre-made pouch packaging machines and modern packaging lines that are characterized by advanced technical concepts, innovation, and high usability.  We are a Polish company with an individual approach to each client. We customize our devices to packaging type, portion size, and performance, and each device is produced to an individual order. In addition, we manufacture devices that are used along with packaging machines, such as: elevators, conveyors, sealers, and heat sealers
We encourage you to read the article published in the monthly Jagodnik on the subject of sorting and packaging high blueberry as well as solutions offered by the company Nulka.


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    admin 2019-02-17 00:00

    05 marca 2020 - Jachranka - Hotel Warszawianka . Odbędzie się trzecia "Konferencja Borówkowa" na krórej po raz kolejny będziemy obecji jako...

  • Sortowanie i pakowanie borówki amerykańskiej

    admin 2015-02-16

    Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z artykułem w miesięczniku Jagodnik, dotyczącym sortowania i pakowania borówki amerykańskiej, oraz rozwiązań jakie...

Check our offer!

Sufczyn 272A
32-852 Dębno
Tel. 731-668-552